Author: Monty
Ten kinds of real estate agents
Reader Question: We are downsizing and considering different lifestyles once we sell our home. We do not recall the different kinds of real estate agents in the market today. Is it just us, or are there more kinds of real estate agents? Monty’s Answer: There are more real estate agents with a specialized practice today…
One of real estate’s biggest myths
Reader Question: The relo counselor is telling me I will lose the relocation benefits if I list my home for more than ten percent above the average of two appraisals. This seems like one of real estate’s biggest myths. Their argument is this rule will ultimately help the home sell at a higher price, which…
Four steps to fill vacant retail space
Reader Question: I have vacant retail space. I own an 8000 square foot retail building fronting on a street with a 15,000 daily car count. The building is brick and block with a retail glass front, and about 60 years old. The parking is adequate. Two tenants occupy the building. One pays about $14.00 per square…
Eight tips when selecting a house sitter
Reader Question: We have a chance to take a six-month trip to Australia. We have always cared for our home ourselves. We have several pets, yard work, maintenance items and other responsibilities. Is a full-time house sitter a good idea? Monty’s Answer: The internet has allowed the advance of this business model which has fueled…
Six tips to resurrect a failed negotiation
Reader Question: We have a failed negotiation. A buyer has an accepted offer on a home, and a home inspection has revealed several items that are defects. The buyer’s attorney delivered a letter to the seller’s attorney stating that all work discovered in the inspection has to be completed by the seller. The seller has not…
Three explanations for shocking HOA exit fee
Reader Question: We are in the closing process of selling our home. We just learned from our agent that the title company received an invoice for eleven hundred dollars from the company that manages our homeowner association (HOA). This is a shocking HOA exit fee. We checked around with friends that have moved out of…
How to pick the best real estate agent from three finalists
Reader Question: We want to pick the best real estate agent from three finalists. Each agent chose three different comparables, and there is a thirty percent difference between the best price and lowest price when including all nine comparables. This difference equates to over $60,000. How do we know which estimate is the most accurate comparison…
Ten costly homeowner mistakes
Reader Question: Did we make some costly homeowner mistakes? We are selling our home we bought 40 years ago. We finished the unfinished upstairs ourselves to save money after we bought it. We raised four children here. Now the real estate agents say because one of the bedrooms is accessed through another bedroom and lacks a…
Six tips to establish your home’s listing price
Reader Question: We are going to sell our home. We asked three agents that were recommended to us by friends and family to look at our home to establish our home’s listing price. We wanted several opinions on our home’s value. Each one of them has a different opinion, and there is a sizeable difference…
Will adding solar panels affect the value of my home?
Reader Question: How will adding solar panels to my home affect its value? Are the panels an asset or a liability? Does their value change with time? Monty’s Answer: You are asking questions that rely on science and future events that are beyond the scope of my expertise. With that qualification, here is one person’s…
How to predict the costs of home maintenance
Reader Question: We will be buying our own home in the next year or so. There are numerous published articles about the hidden costs of home maintenance and caring for a home that offer conflicting information. Do you have any tips on taking care of a home? Monty’s Answer: Taking good care of a home…
Should we sell to a home flipper?
Reader Question: We are planning to sell our home and asked a handyman to give us an estimate of the costs to fix several issues that are likely to cause a buyer to offer less money. He did provide us with a detailed estimate of the cost and also offered to buy our home as…