Author: Monty

  • Is the home sellers offer real?

    Reader Question: ​An acquaintance who lives in our neighborhood proposed to sell us her home. We have been in the house a few times for neighborhood parties. She bought a home on the west coast and now wants a fast sale. She is in her 50s, divorced for some years, and has always been cordial…

  • Four tips to find the perfect real estate agent

    Reader Question: My husband and I will be selling our third home soon. We want to find the perfect real estate agent. In all of our past buying and selling transactions, we have experienced some degree of angst somewhere in the process. After three purchases and two sales, we want everything to go smoothly from…

  • Five steps unmarried home buyers should take

    Reader Question: I am considering buying a home with a co-worker. We both have good jobs, and employment has been stable. The idea of deductions for interest and real estate taxes is appealing. The big appeal is that by buying a home together, our monthly housing expense will decrease dramatically because we currently do not…

  • A condominium buyer alert

      An alert for condominium buyers Reader Question: We bought a condo unit in a mid-rise development on the west coast. We had the unit inspected, and the inspector turned up several repair issues. They fixed the repairs correctly. We closed on the unit and moved in. Within a couple of months, we learned that…

  • Six steps to take with a low-ball offer on your home

    Reader Question: Our home is for sale for $284,900. It has been for sale for two months. We just received a low-ball offer for $245,000. We are very disappointed and stunned with the offer. We feel like telling them to get lost. How should we deal with this situation? Monty’s Answer: The offer is about…

  • Eight red flags in a real estate listing presentation

    Reader Question: We are going to be listing our home soon to take advantage of the spring market. We will be taking your recommendation and interviewing multiple agents, and we expect they will each have a strong listing presentation. Do you have any specific comments for us that may help us spot gimmicks or questionable…

  • Is a dome home a risky project?

    Reader Question: My wife and I are considering building a dome home on an acre we own free and clear. The estimated cost of construction would be around $100,000. All the other homes near us are aging double-wide (1990’s) manufactured homes. My research indicates we would be the only one within 100 miles. We are…

  • 8 Most Common Questions About Home Inspectors

    A Home Inspector Asks: What are the main questions you get from consumers, or real estate agents, about home inspectors? Monty’s Answer: Most of the questions come from customers so here are seven types of frequent questions and a question (number 2) I have seen only once. Typical consumer questions 1. What does a home…

  • Three options for homeowners in a weak homeowners association

    Reader Question: We have a weak homeowners association board. Our homeowner’s association (HOA) has bylaws. The HOA is not proactive in enforcing them and has allowed residents to violate, only addressing the violations if someone files a complaint. This refusal to proactively monitoring property conditions puts the complaining homeowner in harm’s way by exposing them to…

  • Two big reasons why home sellers shop agents

    Reader Question: We put up a “for sale by owner ” sign over a year ago. We had a couple of low offers. We then contracted with an agent for six months, in which we had showings and critiques. We were one of the finalists with three interested buyers. They all chose other homes. We…

  • Ten advantages for considering Aging In Place

    Reader Question: We are considering aging in place. We are in our late seventies and both in pretty good health. Our children keep hinting to us that we should sell our house and move into some age-based community. We have checked out some different options, of which there are many, and it seems they all have…

  • Real estate agent hassles home inspector

    Reader Question: I am a home inspector. ​I work with an agent from whom I always get agent pressure to “take it easy.” I refuse to lower my standards, but I’m concerned about him finding a replacement. How would you suggest I approach ​t​his? ​Monty’s Answer: The situation you describe may be a very delicate…

  • Home seller wants to cancel the home sale

    Reader Question: We signed an agreement to sell our home with a buyer two weeks ago. As the realities of the change set in, we have decided we don’t want to move. We have not yet told our agent. How can we get out of this mess, and what are our potential liabilities? Jerry and…

  • Ten open house tips for home sellers

      Reader Question: It has been many years since we last sold a home. We have agreed to an open house if it is still on the market after 30 days. Are there any specific open house tips you can offer? Don and Martha G. Monty’s Answer: Without having seen the house or knowing the…

  • Ten questions to ask when hiring a home inspector

      Reader Question: We will looking to buy a home in the near future. When thinking about hiring a home inspector, how do we pick a quality one? Randy and Mary Ann G. Monty’s Answer: Now is a good time to be thinking about hiring a home inspector. Because a home purchase or sale is likely your…