Author: Monty

  • Profit with adaptive reuse

    Reader Question: Our partnership has been in commercial real estate for 15 years. We own a number of income properties. We have been toying with the idea of converting an old, vacant building. It seems solid but in rough shape. One of the issues holding us back is we are not certain to what use…

  • How real estate relocation companies work

      Reader Question: Your recent answer to the relocating employee caught my eye. I will be asked to accept real estate relocation soon. My employer has no relocation benefit described in the company policy. Our HR director admits to limited relocation knowledge. Can you share more detail about the relocation process? Jonathan K. Monty’s Answer:…

  • Relocation brings a pay raise, and challenges.

    Reader Question: My relocation brings a pay raise and more opportunities, but because it involves a cross-country move, I am expecting this news will be unsettling to my family. Any insights on how to proceed are appreciated? James W. Monty’s Answer: It is normal that your family may be unsettled by this news. They are all…

  • Producing the best real estate agent referrals

    Reader Question: A close family member wants us to produce the best real estate agent referrals for them to pick a real estate agent. Their house has been for sale on-and-off for several years. They blame themselves for poor agent choices, but we are suspicious they may be the cause rather than the agents. They…

  • Ten tips for checking out a septic system

    Reader Question: We are interested in a foreclosed country home with a septic tank. Our agent wants us to do the research “on our own” as she knows little about septic systems. There is no seller we can ask about the septic tank. We want to make an offer, but this concerns us because we…

  • Successful rezoning property requires a plan

      Reader Question: I own a parcel of vacant residential land. I believe it would be more valuable rezoned to multifamily or commercial. What should I do, and not do, in the rezoning process? John K. Monty’s Answer: The first step is to confirm that rezoning creates additional value. While rezoning can bring additional value,…

  • Home bidding war is homeseller’s dream

     Reader Question: I am going to list my home. I am hoping to start a home bidding war to maximize the number of offers I receive. I want my broker to stipulate that we will start accepting bids five days after the house goes on the market, in order to get multiple bids on my…

  • Home seller questions agent ethics

    Reader Question: This is an agent ethics question. An agent of a real estate firm gave us an estimated price they can get for our home, and we signed on with them on that basis. Now, another agent of the same firm brought a prospect through and told them our house is priced too high. Is…

  • Nine downsizing tips for seniors

    Reader Question: We are considering downsizing our home. We are in our mid-sixties and in good health, but something smaller and in a more moderate climate keeps making more sense. We have different ideas about the best methods to sort this all out. Do you have any advice that may simplify the process? John and…

  • Hot market changes agent behavior

    Reader Question: Our work took us to a new city. We chose to wait to buy again until we were familiar with the neighborhoods. We know now where we want to live, but have yet to find an agent who is proactive. We don’t understand why we are not getting their attention, as we are…

  • Pros and cons with different housing lifestyles

    Reader Question: We are thinking of buying a home and starting a family. We are in our early thirties with good jobs and in for the long haul. We are a bit “out of the box” with many interests and don’t want a cookie-cutter in suburbia. Do you have any ideas for us? Zach and…

  • Is a home trade-in a good idea?

    Reader Question: We are thinking of downsizing and found a home at an open house. The agent offered a home “ trade-in ” on our current house. They compared it to trading in the old car. What do you think of trade-in’s for houses? Andy and Marcia P. Monty’s Answer: “Trade-in,” “guaranteed home sale,” “home…

  • Sell our home now? Or wait until summer?

    Reader Question: We’ve decided to sell our home and buy in a different school district. I’d like to sell in March so I can pre-register my kids for school. Should we wait until summer, since more people will be looking? I’d hate to sell too early and not get as much for the house as…

  • Consider mediation in real estate disputes

     Reader Question: We are in disagreement with two neighbors over surface water drainage. The town wants nothing to do with it. Our concern that this issue is too small for a lawyer, which we cannot afford, but too big for us. Do you have any suggestions? Monty’s Answer: Consider mediation for this type of problem. Drainage…

  • Before you become a real estate investor

    Reader Question: I am 24 years old, single and college educated with a good job. I am fascinated with becoming a real estate investor, and I would appreciate any insights you would offer. The question is; Where do I start?  Marc G. Monty’s Answer: Our country’s foundation is real estate. Real estate is the largest…