Author: Monty

  • Outside advice can create expensive risks in home sales

    Reader Question: We are preparing to sell our home by owner and had it pre-inspected. The inspector flagged a potential $2,000 problem with the plumbing and suggested we have a plumber investigate. We did so. The plumber was quite emphatic that the issue is not a problem. He also had some outside advice on how…

  • Is America in a housing bubble?

      Reader Question: Is America in a housing bubble? We are attempting to downsize our lifestyle with a smaller home. In both instances we made an offer, someone outbid us. Our home is free and clear, so we are cash buyers. We don’t want to sell until we know we’ve got a place to go.…

  • Six ways to do-it-yourself home search

    Reader Question: We want to try a do-it-yourself home search, as we have been out-bid twice already. Agents say few homes are coming on the market, which is a big reason for the high prices. Do you have any suggestions about how we could find a home on our own? Monty’s Answer: Here is what…

  • Eight common for-sale-by-owner mistakes

    Reader Question: Are there eight common for-sale-by-owner mistakes? We are planning on selling our home this year. When we see how fast homes are selling in our neighborhood, the idea of just hanging our sign in the yard is something we are considering. If we go ahead with this, what are the significant mistakes for-sale-by-owners…

  • Multiple offers on your for-sale-by-owner home

    Reader Question: We are selling our home on our own. We have had little activity for over two months, and now we are expecting multiple offers on our for sale by owner home. Please help! Monty’s Answer: When you are selling your home without a real estate agent, the possibility of two or more parties…

  • Should I consider selling my house to an iBuyer?

    Reader Question: I own my current home. I am having trouble selling it. iBuyers say that they will pay fair market value for a home and take care of all the issues that give me problems. Should I consider selling my house to an iBuyer? Monty’s Answer: Whether or not it is feasible or a…

  • Is a Do-It-Yourself major remodel a good idea

    Reader Question: Is a do-it-yourself major remodel a good idea? We have outgrown our home as our children are growing up and need more room. We want to add about a twelve-hundred square foot addition and a full bath, plus update the kitchen and bathrooms with cabinets, plumber, and flooring. My husband worked construction in…

  • Is 2021 a good time to sell our home?

    Reader Question: Is 2021 a good time to sell our home? We are in our late fifties. Our kids are grown and on their own. Our health is good, and we have no mortgage. We are thinking of downsizing into a smaller home in a newer subdivision not far from our current home. There are…

  • The pros and cons of the right-to-cure clause

    Reader Question: We are making an offer on a home. The inspection contingency has a right-to-cure clause where we give the Seller the right-to-cure any defects found or deny the Seller the right to cure. We asked the agent for advice and were told, “It’s up to you.” How would you answer? Monty’s Answer:  If…

  • An appraisal killed our home sale

      Reader Question: An appraisal killed our home sale. We accepted an offer on our home 45 days ago. The lender just turned down the buyer’s loan because the appraisal was $35,000 lower than the contract price. The buyer had a twenty percent down payment but no extra cash to make up the difference. We…

  • Six points to check if our home is overpriced

    Reader Question: How can we check if our home is overpriced? Our home has been for sale on-and-off for some time. We have tried it ourselves, and hired real estate agents to no avail. This time we are going on four months now. In the past, we felt that our house didn’t sell because it’s…

  • Are real estate commissions fair?

    Reader Question: Are real estate commissions fair? I’m the homeowner. I just listed my home with a real estate agent. I told a friend I was selling, and they want to buy it for cash. I called my agent to negotiate the $24,000 commission because it hasn’t been on the market 24 hours. My agent…

  • Do open houses help find a buyer

    Reader Question: Do open houses help find a buyer? We recently put our home up for sale. The presentation was very professional, and we both liked the agent. The emphasis was on how much the real estate business has changed. She mentioned the difficulty of keeping up with technology. She explained how their company was…

  • Eight categories of real estate agent motives

    Reader Question: A recent article you authored titled “What’s wrong with real estate” was insightful. The overview described conditions that contribute to the real estate sales environment. We will be selling our home soon and feel that expanding on the agents would help us understand real estate agent motives. Can you drill down to the…

  • Do homebuyers pay a commission when buying a home?

    Reader Question: Do homebuyers pay a commission when buying a home? We are planning on buying our first home in 2021. We do not pay a commission when we buy a home. Are we correct? Monty’s Answer: Who pays the real estate agent is one of real estate’s most misunderstood questions. Depending on which “expert”…