Author: Monty
Homeowner Mulls Trading Part Of Lot With Neighbor
Reader Question: Monty, I have a neighbor wanting to buy a small piece of frontage on my lake property because a small slew on the waters edge on my easterly lot line places part of my lot on his side of the slew. I am trying to decide whether or not I should agree to this proposition. If I…
Five Secrets To Improve Results Before You List Your Home
Reader Question: What are the top 5 points people overlook when thinking of selling their home soon? – Liam A. Monty’s Answer: Liam, this is a thoughtful question. There are several issues often overlooked when putting a home up for sale. Here, are a few of the reasons why this happens: Human nature often seeks…
Checking Out Private Mortgage Insurance Fraud
Reader Question: Monty, my daughter and son-in-law are trying to refinance their home to lower their interest rate. After my daughter contacted their mortgage company, the mortgage advisor said there would be no problem, and they could do it for eleven dollars. This is not their original mortgage company. After further checking, he informed my…
Dumping Private Mortgage Insurance In This Market
Reader Question: We are about to refinance and are seventy eight hundred dollars away from eighty percent of our home’s assessed value. The PMI balloon payment thing is about sixty five hundred dollars. Should not we (because we can afford it) pay the seventy eight hundred dollars then not pay the PMI? But the real question…
Homebuilder Puts Screws To Customer
Reader Question: Monty, Thanks for answering my earlier question about not having a set of plans and specifications for our to-be-built home. I wish I had known about your How To Choose A Builder article 3 weeks ago. I gave the builder a deposit and signed a contract, but I have no plans and specs.…
Ten Best Tips For Home Sellers
Reader question: Monty, I cannot find that you have done “10 Tips” for home sellers. Do you have a “Top 10” list for someone thinking of selling? Rich M. – Rockford, IL Monty’s answer: Rich, I have created a “Top 10” list for home sellers to answer your question. If I were selling my home,…
Appraising Your Home’s Offer
Reader Question: Monty, my home in Rochester, MN is up for sale by owner with a listing price of $178,900. It is an all brick, 3 bedroom, 2bath, 1600 square foot home with a full basement and a 2.5 car attached garage. Lot size is 120×188. We paid $144,000 in 2006 and have invested approximately $16,000 since then. We have…
Parties In Realty Contract Dispute
Reader Question: Monty, is there a difference in an offer that reads: Sellers is to pay 3% closing costs for buyer’s allowable non allowable closing costs. And one that reads: Seller is to pay up to 3% of the purchase price for buyer’s allowable and non-allowable closing costs. Also, if a seller agree to pay up…
Terminate a listing agreement
Reader Question: To terminate a listing agreement may not be easy. We just listed our home with a company 3 weeks ago and we have some concerns on the Realtors marketing of our home. I emailed him ( so as to document it) and voiced my concerns in the method being used, MLS only. There are…
Throwing The Bathtub Out With The Bathwater
Reader Question: Dear Monty, I have a real problem and I’m hoping you can help me. My husband and I are in our 60’s and planning on remodeling a small bathroom in our bedroom. I want to remove the tub with a larger shower only for easier access for us in our future, but my…
Hidden Property Value Found In Homes Large Lot
Reader Question: I will be selling a home I received after my Mothers passing. Build in 1952 and having no “upgrades” there are several things needed to bring it into the 21st century. (Kitchen & bathroom upgrades) I am planing to sell it “as is” rather than investing money to bring it up to today…
Can A Home Be Too Clean?
Reader Question: Monty. 20 showings and no offers…5 interested people, two second showings. Comments have been very clean, but a lot of people do not like the lay out. We have 2300 square feet with a large kitchen, dining room, large family room, 3 full baths, 4 bedroom and an unfinished 5th room over the garage.…