Category: Choosing a Broker
How to pick the best real estate agent from three finalists
Reader Question: We want to pick the best real estate agent from three finalists. Each agent chose three different comparables, and there is a thirty percent difference between the best price and lowest price when including all nine comparables. This difference equates to over $60,000. How do we know which estimate is the most accurate comparison…
Terminate a listing agreement
Reader Question: To terminate a listing agreement may not be easy. We just listed our home with a company 3 weeks ago and we have some concerns on the Realtors marketing of our home. I emailed him ( so as to document it) and voiced my concerns in the method being used, MLS only. There are…
The real estate agent working environment
Understanding the real estate agent working environment Your success with your real estate experience is in direct proportion to what you know about real estate. This short primer will help you better understand the agent and their playing field. Here are some facts to help shape your perspective. The more you know, the better your…
How to get good referrals in real estate
What are good referrals in real estate? Webster’s Dictionary says, “To direct for information or anything required.” That seems straightforward enough on the surface, but let’s take a closer look. In my first year selling real estate, I had an experience that taught me a valuable lesson. A true confession The community I served had…