Category: Home Selling

  • Home seller questions agent motives

      Reader Question: We used a buyer agent to find a new home. Now we need to sell our home. We got him to look at our house. The lower commission does not seem to motivate him, and he is not interested in us now that we have concluded buying a home. He wants to…

  • Is there a superior method to evaluate homes?

    Our reader this week views appraisals as obsolete. While there is some credence to his opinion, the better mousetrap remains elusive particularly, when the experts are expecting to conquer the challenge without even inspecting the property. I, for one, believe a set of knowledgeable eyeballs physically observing the property will be challenging to eliminate. Online…

  • Should I Rent or Buy A Home?

    Reader Question: I am 65. I have been living in Alabama since 2004. I lived with a family member who has since passed away. Now I am out on my own renting a house. I have had an excellent job with the same company since 2005. At the end of this year, I will retire…

  • Four reasons to track home improvements

    Our readers this week are wondering about sharing improvement information with a potential buyer for their home. It is common for buyers to research properties they become interested in, another twist created with the evolution of the internet. The prospect asking is a sign of keen interest. It could bode well for our readers.

  • How A Pre-Owned Home Can Win Against New Construction

    Home seller’s agent advises seller the home is losing to new construction. Seller is asking how to win against new construction. The article has some excellent tips about how to win against new construction.

  • Six options to consider when the house appraised low 

    The seller canceled escrow when the house appraised low. Am I stuck with the appraisal fees? You are responsible for the appraisal cost. Try to look past this bump in the road. Appraisals disrupting sales are frequent. 

  • Three home inspection practices to scrutinize

      Reader Question: ​I am a seller. My agent got me an offer that required a home inspection. When the investigation took place, they determined the electrical breaker box needed replacement. This discovery caused the buyer to back out. Now, can I sell my house without this upgrade and negotiate the price accordingly, or must…

  • Do real estate agents negotiate fees on dual transactions?

    Reader Question: Do real estate agents negotiate fees on dual transactions? My wife and I are in the process of downsizing. We have shopped neighborhoods and have chosen where we would like to land. In this process, we have had one particular agent show us 5 or 6 homes. Now it is time to list…

  • Is a Verbal Offer binding?

     Reader Question: ​I am going through a Realtor, and I verbally agreed to a price from a guy who low-balled by over half the asking price. The buyer is still knit-picking everything and taking forever, so we have signed no papers. Now I have another offer with a personal friend. I want to know if I…

  • Is your real estate transaction failing?

    Reader Question: Is our transaction failing? How many days before the scheduled closing, does the buyer’s agent have to present us with the final “letter of commitment?” We want to firm up our plans. Monty’s Answer: The first place to look for your answer is the contract. Each state has its laws and forms, so…

  • What is value range pricing?

    Reader Question: I want to confirm an explanation an agent gave me. What is value range pricing? Monty’s Answer: Value range pricing is a strategy employed by home sellers to increase the number of home showings. Hypothetically, the more shows, the higher the chance of a sale and a purchase at a higher price. The…

  • Can an agent add extra commission in an offer?

      Reader Question: A home buyer offered us an amount that we liked. But there was an addendum by the buyer’s agent for extra commission. We did not accept that and counter-offered. However, our agent told us the deal would not go through if we did not accept the request by the buyer’s agent. Can…

  • All real estate referrals require due diligence

    Reader Question: We sold our home and moved to a different state. Our old agent helped us find an agent in our new city. We have gotten to know this agent and become friends. He told us our former agent made the connection for a fee. He called it a referral fee. Our old agent…

  • Fixing a leaky basement can be tricky

    Reader Question: ​We own a 45-year old home in a development. The house is well-built, with a full basement and sits on more than a half-acre of land. We have made some significant renovations, and the house is in great shape. The major problem we have is a leaky basement when it rains very hard,…

  • Who pays the real estate commission?

    Reader Question: We are preparing to place our home for sale in the spring market. As we interview real estate agents, they differ on who pays the real estate commission in the transaction. This difference is curious to us. How would you answer the question? Monty’s Answer: Who pays the real estate commission is an…