Category: Home Selling

  • Must a home be listed in the MLS to be “for sale?”

    Reader Question: Must a home be listed in the MLS to be for sale? What, if any, legal issues would be caused by offering on a home that’s off the MLS but was on it recently? Should the seller’s agent re-list it before one makes an offer? Monty’s Answer: Any seller is free to sell…

  • Can a Seller Contact a Prospective Buyer Directly?

    Reader Question: Can a Seller Contact a Prospective Buyer Directly? Is it OK to reach out to the prospective buyer and see if they have any questions about my house? They came and looked and appeared interested. My real estate agent will not communicate with us, so we do not know the status. Monty’s Answer:…

  • Trust Our Real Estate Agent?

    Reader Question: We wanted to trust our real estate agent. We accepted a purchase offer which allowed us to stay for 21 days after closing with no cost and an additional 45 days at a nominal daily rate. We were out of town during the entire transaction, and our agent sent us the electronic document and…

  • We have an offer for a million dollars over appraisal

    Reader Question: We have an offer for a million dollars over appraisal for our building and parking lot from a developer. They offered 2.2 million dollars with a one-year requirement for us to vacate. We have a separate independent appraisal valuing the two parcels at about $1.2 million. The plan is to demolish the building and…

  • My partners won’t buy my share. What can I do?

    Reader Question: I inherited a large commercial rental property along with my three siblings. I would like it to be sold, even at a much lower price, and they do not. Is there any way for me to get out of this partnership and receive money, according to what my share is worth now? Monty’s…

  • Deciding If A Home Improvement Is Worthwhile

     Reader Question: I have a condo unit facing an empty residential lot which has a stockade fence bolted on top of an eight-foot-high concrete wall. My second-floor unit is level with the top of the wall and all of the fence. I believe the terrible condition of the fence and the fact that my deck…

  • Are real estate appraisals flawed?

      Reader Question: ​Why do​ appraisals use comparative analysis as a means for valuing a home? This approach is flawed as most of the time they do not take into consideration the upgrades one has made in their home, plus the layout of the yard and landscaping that enhances one’s home. Why don’t they use…

  • Unsold home frustrating – should we give up?

    Reader Question: We want to sell our house to move closer to our families. Our home was listed two months ago. We interviewed multiple agents, and all agreed the house would sell fast because of the price range and the excellent neighborhood. We set the price toward the low end to sell quickly. Several people…

  • Are there any disadvantages to selling a home and renting?

      Reader Question: I just turned 60 and own my two-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car garage condo outright, and it’s worth about $140,000. Condos in my area sell fast. Many people think it’s a waste of money to rent when you can build equity in your house, especially if it’s paid for. I guess it depends on…

  • Six questions to ask yourself when changing houses

    Reader Question: We are in the process of changing houses. Our home is currently on the market, and we are actively looking. It has only been two weeks, and we have had three showings, but no offers yet. Our agent seems to think that we are going to have a hard time getting an offer accepted…

  • Listing agent fumbles – can I cancel the contract?

    seller picked a poor agent and is seeking advice on how to cancel the listing agreement.

  • Tips for dealing with real estate developers

      Reader Question: My property on the east coast has been re-zoned to high density. I have received many solicitations from real estate developers. I suspect that they do not have my best interests in mind. What agents-real estate attorneys, must I consult? Monty’s Answer: My interpretation of your question is that you want help…

  • Has the real estate market fully recovered?

    Reader Question: Before the banks caused the 2008 meltdown, I purchased my home for $475K. Homes directly around me have recently sold for anywhere between $215K-$360K. Prices are finally rebounding here, and I have the most beautiful home in the area. Can I expect to make any money by putting my home for sale or…

  • Is real estate agency law working?

    today’s reliance on agency over caveat emptor does not appear to have had much of an effect. It feels like industry leaders are painting the ceiling when the roof leaks.

  • Ten flashpoints in real estate contracts

    The ten flashpoints in real estate contracts are contract subjects to make certain you understand.