Category: Home Selling

  • Eight red flags in a real estate listing presentation

    Reader Question: We are going to be listing our home soon to take advantage of the spring market. We will be taking your recommendation and interviewing multiple agents, and we expect they will each have a strong listing presentation. Do you have any specific comments for us that may help us spot gimmicks or questionable…

  • Two big reasons why home sellers shop agents

    Reader Question: We put up a “for sale by owner ” sign over a year ago. We had a couple of low offers. We then contracted with an agent for six months, in which we had showings and critiques. We were one of the finalists with three interested buyers. They all chose other homes. We…

  • Home seller wants to cancel the home sale

    Reader Question: We signed an agreement to sell our home with a buyer two weeks ago. As the realities of the change set in, we have decided we don’t want to move. We have not yet told our agent. How can we get out of this mess, and what are our potential liabilities? Jerry and…

  • Ten open house tips for home sellers

      Reader Question: It has been many years since we last sold a home. We have agreed to an open house if it is still on the market after 30 days. Are there any specific open house tips you can offer? Don and Martha G. Monty’s Answer: Without having seen the house or knowing the…

  • 3 tips for a great kitchen remodel

    Reader Question: We are wondering about a kitchen remodel. My family is considering selling my mother’s home. The wood floors and bathrooms were recently redone; only the kitchen is old. Do you recommend putting $10,000 into replacing the kitchen cabinets and updating some of the appliances before selling? I have heard that the buyer often wants…

  • How do I convince agents my home is worth $292,000?

    Reader Question: You have answered questions for me in the past and I found you reassuring in the complex world we live in, so here I go again. I need to sell my home for $276,000.00 net to me after commissions. So how do I present my case that my asking price is sound and…

  • The best way to sell your share of inherited property

    Reader Question: My father and stepmother have both passed away and left my stepsister and stepbrothers and me and my two sisters equal parts of the house and land. My stepsister was in charge of her mom’s affairs before she passed and she wants to do something with the property but we don’t. What can…

  • Three most common home inspection misses

    Reader Question: We are preparing to sell our home to downsize. We hear stories about home inspection misses. We will soon be dealing with two inspections. What items do home inspectors most often overlook? Harold W. Monty’s Answer: This question requires some background to explain efficiently. There are three facts centered around home inspections often…

  • The best way to sell a church property

    Reader Question: We want to sell a church. I am a member of an aging church group on the east coast with a declining number of active families and participants. The absence of new young families in our faith moving into the area and the passing of fellow congregants have taken a toll. From about 400…

  • Are online reviews of real estate agents credible?

    Reader Question: We will be selling our home and casually checking out real estate agents. One of our observations is that some agents seem to have many online reviews while others have very few or none. How important are these recommendations and why don’t all agents use them? Jason D. Monty’s Answer: Positive reviews from…

  • A ” right of first refusal ” threatens a million-dollar sale

    Reader Question: I am in negotiations to sell off a portion of my property. The buyer is simultaneously asking for a right of first refusal on a contiguous parcel. The wording in the right of first refusal clause the agent drafted in the offer is one short sentence and leaves many unanswered questions. My attorney…

  • Put all real estate agreements in writing

    Reader Question: Soon we will begin a remodel on a house on our friend’s property. There are the main home and this second house on the lot. Our intention is to sell our existing home and have the second house become our permanent home in the coming months. We are in unchartered waters about proceeding…

  • 5 myths when selling or buying a home “ As-is “

    Reader Question: My agent failed to list my home “ As-is, “ as I requested. The buyer now wants me to fix things their home inspector found. I don’t have the funds to do any repairs, which is why I specifically requested my house be sold “ As-is. “ What can my agent do to…

  • 21 good answers to your agent interview questions

    Reader Question: I read the agent interview questions to ask real estate agents on the DearMonty website. It would be helpful to understand what answers to look for when agents respond. I am not comfortable I know enough about real estate to know a good answer. Can you help? Mark B. Monty’s Answer: Your question…

  • Do home sellers benefit from a tech savvy agent?

    Reader Question: Monty, we are preparing to sell our home and read your column about how to find a good real estate agent. We have gone through the steps and are now down to two candidates. They both present as knowledgeable, hard working and efficient. What differentiates them in our eyes is one is very…